Saturday, November 25, 2017

Because I Want the Nativity Scene Up There, That's Why

Our TV is blasting The Grinch and my family is watching with fresh eyes as we giggle at my 3 year old grandson taking it all in with a silly grin on his face. He is nestled under his mommy's arm and my son is in a rocker with our granddaughter, born just 19 days ago. 

I know you'd like to see that picture. But tonight I want to tell you about a moment a few days ago, in the kitchen you see above. I was on tiptoe with one foot on the top step of that step ladder and the other on the counter. My arms were stretched high above my head trying to keep my fingers on a heavy ceramic pitcher. You can see it below. 

Here's the situation; A collection of pretty bottles and pitchers decorate the top my kitchen cabinets all year long. But in December they must come down so I can display my favorite Nativity scene up there. They must.

Husband hates these important projects each year...but it simply must be done. It must. Not that he is up there doing it. He hates that I am risking my neck and insists that I only do it when he is home. So he can call 911 I guess. 

So this year I made myself wait for his day off to make the big switch. The house was quiet and he was watching a PBS documentary with his eyes closed while I was discovering that the heavy pitcher was not moving easily. Maybe it was the hot, humid summer we just went through or maybe it was the greasy dust above the stove area, but for some reason the pitcher was stuck. 

I pulled and it tipped and I yelled "HONEY!! I need you!!" He kept me from falling and I was able to hand him the sturdy pitcher safely. All ended well. Nothing was shattered, human or ceramic. 

December has a way of reminding me of my mom, every single year. She was one of those crazy-for-Christmas ladies that everyone talks about...and I keep on seeing her in myself, my home and my words. I fought it at first, but what is the point? 

Now I think about my mom and her bigger than life, much bigger than anything I would do, holiday decorations and projects. And I know that my dad was her muscle to make a lot of the magic happen. I am pretty sure he was shaking his head in wonder and worry over her shenanigans at Christmas time too. He will be here with us for Christmas this year, I will have to ask him about that.

My mom with my son, her first grandchild.

Me with his son, my first grandchild. 

          I know...sigh.          

Susie, Grandma, writer, preschool teacher, crazy Christmas lady.

Monday, November 20, 2017

This Moment

This is my view at this moment. A short bit of quiet in a very busy household. Is it possible to treasure the silence while at the same time rejoice in the loud activity that fills these rooms more often in recent months?

At this moment two adults are at work, one adult is taking the newborn to doctor appointments, a 3 year old little is napping in the room behind that wall, and the fourth adult is savoring the peace by capturing it in photo and written word.

Oops, munchkin is up from nap. I hear him coming down the hall, gotta go. Now he is in my lap and I quote, "What in the world is happening on your iPad Grandma?". I am letting him choose an emoji for the ending of this post. Who knows what he will pick! I love this life...most days.



Sunday, November 12, 2017

Humming Christmas Carols with Thankfullness

Last year Max added his safari people to the nativity scene.(And some new animals)

November is here. Yes, I am slow to recognize this, 12 days after the fact. The view outside my window (at this moment...who knows what tomorrow will bring. Texas is unpredictable) is grey and dark and cold.The trees behind our home are becoming naked and shivery looking. For the first time it is beginning to feel like summer is really over.

I played Christmas music yesterday. I do not care about the "rules" that our Facebook feeds keep spouting regarding waiting until Thanksgiving is over to talk about Christmas.

Why is it so awful? Can't I be thankful and excited about Christmas at the same time? My brain is pretty good at multi-tasking. I am perfectly capable of making Christmas plans while thanking God for all we have and share.

I usually use the day after Thanksgiving as my home decoration day instead of joining the shopping craziness. But there is something about this year that is tempting me to climb that weird little pull-down stairway thingy (that always remind me of Home Alone) out in the garage and get our decoration boxes down now.

Maybe it is because the news and Internet is so full of garbage and awfulness. As a nation we need some smiles, don't we?

Or most likely, it is because one week ago our family welcomed a brand new granddaughter. My ridiculously adorable and funny grandson just turned 3 years old a few weeks ago and oh my goodness is Christmas going to be fun??? They are all staying with us for a while and we are once again a toy and baby paraphernalia scattered home.

Holiday decorations take on a completely different dimension and meaning when little people are involved. I hear my grown sons get mushy and nostalgic over odd little holiday items and traditions and it reminds me that parents are in the memory making business. Whether we mean to or not.

So even though we are still several days away from Thanksgiving, I am looking around my home and deciding where the Christmas tree should go this year and wondering if Max will care about my little light up houses or the nativity scenes the most. I definitely want to pull out the ceramic trees my mom made, even though I am missing a few light bulbs on them. Oh, we need a new stocking too!!

November is only 12 days old. But I am humming Christmas carols while I set up Thanksgiving art projects for my preschool class. (How many ways can 18 4 year olds make a turkey? Literally hundreds!)

I am thankful for Christmas and Christmas gave me the One who I am thanking. So it all works together, right?

Happy Thanksgiving AND Merry Christmas!